Quick-Wittedness and Argumentation Training for (Up-and-Coming) Female Scientists
Speaker: Andrea Dufner
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 09:00 to 16:30
To respond appropriately to questions such as "How can I assert and defend my position?" or "How do I handle inappropriate remarks or verbal attacks?", this workshop will focus on quick-wittedness and argumentation techniques while also strengthening individual confidence in one's communication. Participants will learn to develop and stabilize natural acceptance and conversational confidence, allowing them to set boundaries in rhetorical exchanges.
Confident Work and Action - How to Handle the Fear of Failure
Speaker: Ruth Dölemeyer
Thursday, 27.06.2024 from 09:00–12:30
Despite their extensive qualifications and previous successes, many women repeatedly experience strong doubts about their abilities. In this workshop, we will collectively examine the thought patterns and behaviors that sustain these doubts and develop realistic alternatives. The goal is for participants to recognize their abilities, view critical feedback as an opportunity for development rather than a sign of failure, and attribute their successes to themselves.
Seeing Beyond. Power Games and Micropolitical Competence in Science
Speaker: Dr. Sabrina Walter
Thursday, October 24, 2024, from 09:00 to 15:30
Work in the research context often comes with high performance pressure and competition. In this atmosphere, people are inclined to resort to micropolitical strategies and open power games. Based on their own experiences, participants in the workshop will receive impulses to better recognize power games in science, regain their own control and self-confidence, and respond confidently and strategically in everyday scientific work.
Confident Self-Presentation - Convincing Through Voice, Expression, and Body Language
Speaker: Nina Severin
Friday, November 8, 2024, from 10:00 to 17:00
In academia and professional settings, a convincing presence in presentations, lectures, and group settings is becoming increasingly important. Speaking in front of many people can be unsettling and pose various challenges. Therefore, the primary goal of this workshop is to provide participants with tangible tools to confidently, present, and master presentation situations with a clear, powerful voice.
Mentally strong through the (working) day
Speaker: Ruth Dölemeyer
Tuesday, May 6, 2025, from 09:00-12:30
Many women experience their work as stressful due to the high demands of working in a university context, their everyday lives and their own expectations. A feeling of strain arises in particular when one's own resources are not considered sufficient to cope with these various challenges. Stress, feelings of being overwhelmed and exhaustion arise, which make it difficult for us to cope with our work with joy and motivation. The workshop shows strategies for improved coping as well as various resilience factors that are intended to strengthen mental resilience and the ability to act.
Workshop description (only in German)
Resgistration deadline: April, 28, 2025
Realising your own career and development goals: self-confident, authentic and with attitude
Speaker: Katharina Bonyhádi
Tuesday, October, 21 and 28, 2025 from 09:00-12:15
With a view to individual career and development goals, we will address the following questions in the workshop:
- How do I recognise and define my own values and attitudes?
- How do I approach my professional and personal development?
- What steps can I take on my own, how can we develop together?
In order to come closer to answering these questions, we will look at our own values and attitudes and their influence on our professional and personal development. We will then have the opportunity to explore our own options for action.
Workshop description (only in German)
Registration deadline: October, 13, 2025
Networking and visibility in academia
Speaker: Magdalena Kaminska
Thursday, June, 5, 2025 from 09:00-16:00
In this practice-orientated workshop, you will learn how to establish and expand your networking activities in a targeted manner. For example, we will look at how networking events can be used effectively, how important small talk is and which online self-marketing strategies are useful in a scientific context. The workshop not only develops your networking skills, but also strengthens your self-confidence and communication strategies. You will leave the event with a clear plan and practical tools to expand and sustain your network.
Workshop description (only in German)
Registration deadline: May, 27, 2025
Communication, cooperation and conflict management - actively tackling and resolving conflicts
Speaker: Dr. Kathrin Carl
Thursday, November, 6, 2025 from 09:00-16:00
In our everyday professional (and private) lives, there is constant communication and interaction, be it with colleagues, bosses, students and many others. When people work together, it is completely normal for misunderstandings and conflicts to arise. It is all too easy for different interests, ideas or needs to clash. The decisive factor is always how conflicts are dealt with. This workshop analyses typical conflict situations, reflects on your own conflict behaviour and develops strategies for constructive, solution-oriented dialogue.
Workshop description (only in German)
Registration deadline: October, 28, 2025
Ideas, Suggestions, Wishes?
Do you have...
➡️ Questions about the program
➡️ Ideas, suggestions, wishes regarding planned workshop topics or invited speakers
➡️ General suggestions regarding the structure, execution, or evaluation of the workshops
Then please send an email to the project coordinator of the Female Scientists Network or call at 0341 3076 6234.
About your participation
We strive to provide you with the best possible and unrestricted participation in our events. If you need further information, assistance, and support, please feel free to contact us. However, we cannot guarantee these support services in every case.
If you require childcare, please indicate this when registering and contact the project coordination as early as possible via email.
➡️ Is registration for a workshop necessary?
Since the number of available spots for each information workshop is limited, registration is required. Your registration is binding, and we assume that you will keep the event date free and be present at the venue on the day of the event.
➡️ I have registered for a workshop but cannot attend at the last minute. What should I do?
If you become ill or if something unforeseen happens, please notify us by email to cancel your registration for the information workshop. This allows other interested individuals to move up from the waiting list.
➡️ I am on the waiting list for a workshop. Do I still need to unregister if I am unavailable?
Yes, please also unregister if you are on the waiting list. The waiting list is a tool to enable interested individuals to participate in the workshop.
➡️ When will I know for sure if the planned workshop will take place?
Approximately 7-10 days before the event, you will receive an email with all the information about the workshop.
➡️ Do I receive a certificate of attendance for my participation in a workshop?
You will receive a certificate for your participation in a workshop. This will usually be sent to you by e-mail (PDF) within one to two weeks after the event.
➡️ Does participation in a workshop count as working time?
The Female Scientists Network workshops are optional. Please clarify with your supervisor whether you can take part in the workshop during your working hours.
➡️ In a workshop, I noticed things that I particularly liked/disliked. Who can I contact if I want to share my impressions?
After attending our events, you have the opportunity to provide feedback in our evaluation forms to actively contribute to improving our offerings. We highly value your reviews and suggestions and kindly ask you to take a moment to fill out the form. Of course, you can also contact the project coordinator of the Female Scientists Network at any time with comments, questions, or requests during the program.