We aim to enhance your visibility and networking opportunities at HTWK Leipzig. We want to provide you with inspiring exchanges, tailored program formats, and support in your career planning.
Our network is open to all women, gender-diverse individuals and alumnae at HTWK Leipzig and offers you a valuable platform for exchanging experiences, mentoring and promoting your career opportunities.
We are committed to diversity, equal opportunities, and empowerment, and we invite you to grow with us and help shape the network.
➔ Subscribe to the mailing list and stay informed about news and events from the Female Scientists Network!
More about HTWK Leipzig
➡️ Gleichstellungs- und Frauenbeauftragte
➡️ Stabsstelle Diversity, Inklusion und Familiengerechte Hochschule
➡️ Graduate Center
Interesting information
Our offers
with input and opportunities for exchange
for female scientists and employees
Peer and group mentoring for female Master's students
Discussion series with female scientists
Research assistant positions for female Master's students
by alumnae and academics of the HTWK
Keep informed!
Are you a student interested in pursuing a doctorate, a doctoral candidate, an employee, a postdoctoral researcher, an alumna, or a professor at HTWK Leipzig and interested in...
exchanging ideas with other female scientists who study/work/are pursuing a doctorate or have studied/worked/pursued a doctorate at HTWK Leipzig?
being informed about events of the Female Scientists Network?
increasing your visibility at HTWK Leipzig and beyond?
serving as a role model?
being or finding a mentor?
speaking at networking events on specific topics?
sharing your professional experiences?
Then subscribe to the Female Scientists Network mailing list or contact the project coordinator at fsn (at) htwk-leipzig.de.
Target group
➡️ Why is the Female Scientists Network only for women*?
HTWK Leipzig is the second-largest university of applied sciences in Saxony and makes a significant contribution to the training of professionals and leaders for the region and beyond. However, women*, especially in STEM subjects, are still significantly underrepresented. The reasons for this often have structural causes. Therefore, promoting equal opportunities and diversity at HTWK Leipzig is a cross-sectional task of the entire university and is further advanced through the project Science Careers: Promoting Careers. Recruiting Talent. A central goal of the project is to establish a university-wide networking and qualification program for female scientists at all career stages, making role models visible and successfully promoting individual careers. This is specifically implemented and reinforced by the Female Scientists Network.
➡️ Who is included under women*?
The Female Scientists Network and its program formats are aimed at promoting female talents. This includes all individuals who identify as women*.
Information and terms of participation
➡️ How do I receive information about events of the Female Scientists Network?
If you are interested, you can subscribe to the Female Scientists Network mailing list and receive information as soon as new event dates are published.
➡️ Is there a fee to participate in events of the Female Scientists Network?
Your participation in any events of the Female Scientists Network is free of charge.
➡️ Is my registration for events of the Female Scientists Network binding?
Your registration for the events (information workshops and networking events) of the Female Scientists Network is binding. You will receive an automatic confirmation of your registration by email. We often engage external experts for our information workshops. Therefore, please take your registration and participation seriously. If you become ill or something unforeseen happens, please cancel your registration via email. This will allow others on the waiting list to attend.
➡️ What happens to my data that I provide for registrations within the Female Scientists Network?
All collected data will, of course, be treated confidentially and used exclusively for your participation in events of the Female Scientists Network or for the mailing list. Your data will not be shared with third parties. You can object to the use of your data at any time.
➡️ I am interested in sharing my expertise as a speaker or mentor in the Female Scientists Network. What should I do?
Please contact the project coordinator at fsn (at) htwk-leipzig.de or 0341 3076 6234 and let them know what you can offer.
➡️ How can I give feedback on the events?
After attending our events, you have the opportunity to provide feedback in our evaluation forms, actively contributing to the improvement of the network and the program formats. We highly value your assessments and suggestions and kindly ask you to take a moment to fill out the form. Naturally, during the program, you can also contact the project coordinator of the Female Scientists Network at any time with comments, wishes, questions, etc.
Events (only in German)
Studien- und Berufsberatung: offene Sprechstunde
Zwei-wöchentlich an Donnerstagen in den geraden Kalenderwochen von 11.00 bis 12.00 Uhr im Trefftz-Bau in Raum TR B 147. Dies gilt auch für vorlesungsfreie Zeiten.
Bitte achten Sie auch auf den Veranstaltungskalender: die Sprechstundentermine sind dort einzeln auffindbar.
Vernetzungsveranstaltung des Female Scientists Networks
Herzliche Einladung! Mit Keynote von Pauline Seuß zum Thema „Intersektionalität verstehen und anwenden: Ein Überblick für mehr Selbstsicherheit im Umgang mit Vielfalt“
Ask a Scientist - Gespräch mit Dr.in Ulrike Leistner
Gesprächsreihe über Karrieren von Alumnae der HTWK Leipzig
Studien- und Berufsberatung: offene Sprechstunde
Zwei-wöchentlich an Donnerstagen in den geraden Kalenderwochen von 11.00 bis 12.00 Uhr im Trefftz-Bau in Raum TR B 147. Dies gilt auch für vorlesungsfreie Zeiten.
Bitte achten Sie auch auf den Veranstaltungskalender: die Sprechstundentermine sind dort einzeln auffindbar.
Mental stark durch den (Arbeits-)Alltag
Workshop für Studentinnen, (wiss.) Mitarbeiterinnen und interessierte Frauen der HTWK Leipzig
Studien- und Berufsberatung: offene Sprechstunde
Zwei-wöchentlich an Donnerstagen in den geraden Kalenderwochen von 11.00 bis 12.00 Uhr im Trefftz-Bau in Raum TR B 147. Dies gilt auch für vorlesungsfreie Zeiten.
Bitte achten Sie auch auf den Veranstaltungskalender: die Sprechstundentermine sind dort einzeln auffindbar.
Ask a Scientist - Gespräch mit Dr.in Mirjam Müller
Gesprächsreihe über Karrieren von Alumnae der HTWK Leipzig
Netzwerken und Sichtbarkeit in der Wissenschaft
Workshop für Studentinnen, (wiss.) Mitarbeiterinnen und interessierte Frauen der HTWK Leipzig
Studien- und Berufsberatung: offene Sprechstunde
Die offene Sprechstunde findet zwei-wöchentlich an Donnerstagen in den geraden Kalenderwochen von 11.00 bis 12.00 Uhr im Trefftz-Bau in Raum TR B 147 statt. Dies gilt auch für vorlesungsfreie Zeiten.
Bitte achten Sie auch auf den Veranstaltungskalender: die Sprechstundentermine sind dort einzeln auffindbar.
Ask a Scientist - Gespräch mit Dr.in Tanja Korzer
Gesprächsreihe über Karrieren von Alumnae der HTWK Leipzig