Science Careers: Karrieren fördern. Talente gewinnen.
Bund-Länder-Programm FH Personal
Der Mangel an qualifizierten Nachwuchskräften für Professuren an Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) stellt eine ernsthafte Herausforderung für die Zukunft der wissenschaftlichen Karrieren und praxisnahen Forschung in Deutschland dar. HAWs verbinden praxisorientierte Lehre mit angewandter Forschung. Ohne qualifiziertes Lehr- und Forschungspersonal ist diese Mission gefährdet.
Science Careers fördert wissenschaftliche Karrieren an der HTWK Leipzig. Ziel ist es, strukturierte Karrierewege für Professuren zu schaffen. Mit praxisnahem Mentoring, attraktiven Bedingungen und nachhaltiger Vernetzung wird der Mangel an qualifiziertem Personal angegangen.
Noch Fragen?
The subproject Pro.Motion focuses on promoting practice-oriented doctoral studies in cooperation with different companies. It emphasizes the integration of science and practice to diversify the talent pool for academic appointments. The subproject aims to speed up the qualification process for HAW professorships and to boost collaboration between HTWK Leipzig and industry. It creates synergies that ease the transition from practice-oriented doctoral studies to professorship, enhancing the application-oriented focus of research.
The subproject Pro.Innovation is an innovative approach to advancing academic careers. It establishes innovation professorships, where soon-to-retire professors collaborate with newly appointed ones in innovative research fields. These partnerships promote knowledge transfer and facilitate the entry into research and teaching for HAW professorships. The subproject creates a seamless and attractive transition into professorship and positions HTWK Leipzig as a pioneer in developing excellent working conditions for researchers.
As part of the Pro.Fellowship subproject, young talents from academia and industry are specifically supported on their path to an HAW professorship. Through individual tandem mentoring with established professors, the fellows gain valuable insights into the diverse everyday professional life. They take on teaching assignments and participate in workshops and training sessions on appointment procedures, academic leadership, didactics, and research. These measures provide intensive preparation for a career in academic teaching and research.
The subproject Pro.Motion focuses on promoting practice-oriented doctoral studies in cooperation with different companies. It emphasizes the integration of science and practice to diversify the talent pool for academic appointments. The subproject aims to speed up the qualification process for HAW professorships and to boost collaboration between HTWK Leipzig and industry. It creates synergies that ease the transition from practice-oriented doctoral studies to professorship, enhancing the application-oriented focus of research.
The subproject Pro.Innovation is an innovative approach to advancing academic careers. It establishes innovation professorships, where soon-to-retire professors collaborate with newly appointed ones in innovative research fields. These partnerships promote knowledge transfer and facilitate the entry into research and teaching for HAW professorships. The subproject creates a seamless and attractive transition into professorship and positions HTWK Leipzig as a pioneer in developing excellent working conditions for researchers.
As part of the Pro.Fellowship subproject, young talents from academia and industry are specifically supported on their path to an HAW professorship. Through individual tandem mentoring with established professors, the fellows gain valuable insights into the diverse everyday professional life. They take on teaching assignments and participate in workshops and training sessions on appointment procedures, academic leadership, didactics, and research. These measures provide intensive preparation for a career in academic teaching and research.
Employer Branding
The subproject Employer Branding focuses on enhancing the perception of HTWK Leipzig as an attractive employer. By employing innovative strategies and utilizing modern communication channels, HTWK Leipzig is positioned as an outstanding academic institution. Particular emphasis is placed on highlighting the benefits of a career at HTWK, including opportunities for professional development, support for research and teaching, and the unique academic community.
The subproject Welcome@HTWK ensures that new staff at HTWK Leipzig have an optimal start. It offers a comprehensive onboarding program from initial contact to faculty integration. The goal is to create a welcoming atmosphere and facilitate a smooth transition for new appointees. The program includes orientation aids, administrative support, and promotes networking within the university community. Welcome@HTWK contributes to the long-term retention of talent at HTWK
Female Scientists Network
The subproject Female Scientists Network establishes a strong network for female scientists. It promotes exchange, networking, and visibility of women in science. The network develops events and programs that support career development for female scientists. From mentoring to workshops to networking events, it offers diverse opportunities for further education and networking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching at HTWK.
Employer Branding
The subproject Employer Branding focuses on enhancing the perception of HTWK Leipzig as an attractive employer. By employing innovative strategies and utilizing modern communication channels, HTWK Leipzig is positioned as an outstanding academic institution. Particular emphasis is placed on highlighting the benefits of a career at HTWK, including opportunities for professional development, support for research and teaching, and the unique academic community.
The subproject Welcome@HTWK ensures that new staff at HTWK Leipzig have an optimal start. It offers a comprehensive onboarding program from initial contact to faculty integration. The goal is to create a welcoming atmosphere and facilitate a smooth transition for new appointees. The program includes orientation aids, administrative support, and promotes networking within the university community. Welcome@HTWK contributes to the long-term retention of talent at HTWK
Female Scientists Network
The subproject Female Scientists Network establishes a strong network for female scientists. It promotes exchange, networking, and visibility of women in science. The network develops events and programs that support career development for female scientists. From mentoring to workshops to networking events, it offers diverse opportunities for further education and networking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching at HTWK.
Our Events
FSN trifft HB - Einladung zum Frauenfrühstück
Das Female Scientists Network (FSN) lädt zusammen mit der Hochschulbibliothek (HB) zu einem gemeinsamen Frauenfrühstück ein.
Ask a Scientist - Gespräch mit Professorin Nataša Živić
Gesprächsreihe mit Wissenschaftlerinnen zu Karrierewegen und dem Arbeitsalltag an der HTWK Leipzig
Seeing beyond. Machtspiele und mikropolitische Kompetenz in der Wissenschaft
Workshop für (Nachwuchs-) Wissenschaftlerinnen und interessierte Frauen an der HTWK Leipzig
Souveräne Selbstpräsentation - Überzeugen durch Stimme, Ausdruck und Körpersprache
Workshop für (Nachwuchs-) Wissenschaftlerinnen und interessierte Frauen an der HTWK Leipzig
Our Events
FSN trifft HB - Einladung zum Frauenfrühstück
Das Female Scientists Network (FSN) lädt zusammen mit der Hochschulbibliothek (HB) zu einem gemeinsamen Frauenfrühstück ein.
Ask a Scientist - Gespräch mit Professorin Nataša Živić
Gesprächsreihe mit Wissenschaftlerinnen zu Karrierewegen und dem Arbeitsalltag an der HTWK Leipzig
Seeing beyond. Machtspiele und mikropolitische Kompetenz in der Wissenschaft
Workshop für (Nachwuchs-) Wissenschaftlerinnen und interessierte Frauen an der HTWK Leipzig
Souveräne Selbstpräsentation - Überzeugen durch Stimme, Ausdruck und Körpersprache
Workshop für (Nachwuchs-) Wissenschaftlerinnen und interessierte Frauen an der HTWK Leipzig